
10 Feist - Metals

Leslie Feist outdid herself with Metals. I'd been exposed to a minimal amount of her music in the past, but I heard the buzz leading to this release a mile away. When I first heard "How Come You Never Go There" I couldn't believe it was the same artist that did that huge "1234" single. Check this ridiculous live version.

Metals is mature and moody. It's simple and introspective without being boring, like that style can sometimes be. She can roll off a witty line of lyrics with the best of them, and she's not afraid to show a little attitude, either. Her vocals are so serene and compelling, which is great to hear in the age of autotune, we almost forget how nice it is when someone really sings.

This album's a grower for sure, and it deserves a full listen. In a genre dominated by men, Leslie sets the bar pretty high with this one.

Download: "How Come You Never Go There" - "Graveyard" - "Anti-Pioneer"
