artist: kurt vile
album: wakin on a pretty daze
label: matador
genre: stoner rock
Kurt Vile's Wakin On A Pretty Daze is a sprawling and spacious exercise in introspection. It's sort of Vile's thing. Probably the best road trip album of the year, and it occupies many a year-end list.

If you're a fan of his music, Wakin isn't much of a departure from his previous records. He mumbles and slurs his stoner wisdom, layers of slowly revolving guitars, and song lengths clocking at in at the seven minute mark. The pseudonym title track is a great start, with some matter-of-fact existentialism: "Don't worry 'bout a thing, it's only dying." The calm layers envelop you until the pace quickens slightly about half way through. Despite it's length, it's good enough to be repeated.

The album takes on a hypnotizing quality and Vile's stream of consciousness lyrics keep it consistent on tracks like 'Pure Pain' and 'Was All Talk.' When Vile says "Making music is easy, watch me," you believe him. In fact, this is his most consistent album to date. Dynamics are used sparingly, so when they pop up by surprise it's quite cool, as the yelps in "Shame Chamber." There is purpose in these layers, and simplistic ingredients makes the whole quite impressive.

The songs are great, albeit not very challenging. It's more of a slow cool burn. However, that is the endearing this about this record, it's easy going and honest nature. Kurt Vile doesn't try to be anyone but Kurt Vile, and that works for me.



10 UMO